Location Amstelveen

Rates location Amstelveen

At location Amstelveen Zwemclub ABC offers swimming classes A, B and C from Monday to Sunday.
Op locatie Amstelveen bieden wij niet alleen groepslessen aan, maar ook privélessen en lessen voor volwassenen Zwem ABC. 
The classes have a duration of 45 minutes.
Diploma A, B en C worden apart aangeboden in de vorm een jaarlidmaatschap. 
Zwemvaardigheid wordt aangeboden in een jaarlidmaatschap. 
ZWEMLES A, B of C- GROEP - Jaarlidmaatschap (vanaf 4 jaar)
Payment every month via direct debit. The membership continues until the relevant diploma is achieved.
* Let op! Onderstaande zwemleskosten zijn per week.
Swimming class 1x per week
€ 22,50
Swimming class 2x per week
€ 45,00
Registration fee (one-time)
€ 55,00
Diploma fee (one-time)
€ 75,00
Student tracking system
6-8 children
Free parking
ZWEMVAARDIGHEID 1, 2 of 3 - GROEP - Jaarlidmaatschap
Na het behalen van het C-diploma, kan worden deelgenomen aan de lessen Zwemvaardigheid.
Payment every month via direct debit. The membership continues until the relevant diploma is achieved.
* Let op! Onderstaande zwemleskosten zijn per week.
Swimming class 1x per week
€ 22,50
Swimming class 2x per week
€ 50,00
Registration fee (one-time)
€ 55,00
Diploma fee (one-time)
€ 75,00
Student tracking system
6-8 children
Free parking
PRIVATE CLASSES Swim ABC - Package of 10x, 15x, or 20x 
Zwemles 1-op-1 (per les)
€ 125,00
Zwemles 1-op-2 (per les) 
Zwemles 1-op-3 (per les)
Zwemles 1-op-4 (per les)
€ 140,00
€ 150,00
 € 160,00
Registration fee (one-time)
€ 55,00
Diploma fee (one-time)
€ 75,00
Student tracking system
Option 1-on-1 to 1-on-4
Free parking
Adults - GROUP - Monthly membership
Payment every month via direct debit. The membership continues until the relevant diploma is achieved. 
* Let op! Onderstaande zwemleskosten zijn per week. 
Swimming class 1x per week 
€ 30,00
Registration fee (one-time)
€ 55,00
Diploma fee (one-time)
€ 75,00
Student tracking system
Free parking
Swim ABC
The Regular Program
The National Council for Swimming Safety (NRZ) associates each level of swimming proficiency with a diploma from the Swimming-ABC program. With the regular program, we can assist your child in obtaining their Swimming-ABC diploma in a reasonably short time.
A diploma
• Swimwear
• Shirt, vest, or blouse with long sleeves
• Long pants (with legs, no tight pants)
• Socks and shoes

1. Enter the water from the edge with a forward foot jump (completely submerge);
2. Tread water for 15 seconds using arms and legs;
3. Swim 12.5 meters breaststroke or backstroke;
4. Conclude the test by independently climbing out of the water onto the pool deck.

2.1. Dive from the edge or starting block (a forward dive is preferred), immediately followed by underwater orientation (without surfacing) and underwater swimming through a hole in a vertically hanging sail located 3 meters from the edge. Upon resurfacing, proceed with alternating 2 x 25 meters breaststroke and 2 x 25 meters elementary backstroke (arms passive).
3.1. Choose to dive from the edge or push off from the wall into the water, immediately followed by 10 seconds of floating on the chest, then swim a few meters of breaststroke, followed by 5 seconds of floating on the chest, and then continue with a few more meters of breaststroke.
4.1. Push off from the wall and float on the back for 10 seconds, then swim a few meters of elementary backstroke, followed by floating on the back for 10 seconds. Conclude the test with a few meters of elementary backstroke.
5.1. Dive from the edge or starting block (a forward dive is preferred), and then immediately swim 8 meters of beginner's front crawl.
6.1. In the water, push off from the wall, and then immediately swim 8 meters of beginner's back crawl.
7.1. Dive from the edge with a jump of your choice, followed by 60 seconds of treading water using arms and legs, during which you should also perform 2 full rotations around the longitudinal axis while treading water.
B diploma
• Swimwear
• Shirt, vest, or blouse with long sleeves
• Trousers (no tight-fitting pants)
• Socks and shoes

1.1. Dive from a starting block or 1-meter board with a forward foot jump (completely submerge), and while underwater, execute at least a half-turn along the longitudinal axis.
2. Tread water for 30 seconds using arms and legs.
3. Swim 25 meters of breaststroke, interrupted by passing under a float once and performing one full turn along the longitudinal axis.
4. Swim 25 meters of elementary backstroke (active use of arms allowed); conclude the test by independently climbing out of the water onto the pool deck (preferably not using the ladder).

2.1. Dive from the edge or starting block with a forward somersault dive, immediately followed by underwater orientation (without surfacing) and underwater swimming through a hole in a vertically hanging sail located 6 meters from the starting edge. Upon resurfacing, swim 75 meters of breaststroke, interrupted by three times descending feet-first towards the bottom with arms extended above the head, fingertips submerged underwater; complete the test with 75 meters of elementary backstroke (arms passive).
3.1. At your choice, either dive from the edge with a somersault dive or push off from the wall into the water. Immediately after, spend 10 seconds floating on the chest, then swim several meters of breaststroke, followed by 7 seconds of floating on the chest, and then continue with several more meters of breaststroke.
4.1. Push off from the wall and float on the back for 10 seconds, then swim several meters of elementary backstroke, followed by floating on the back for 15 seconds. Conclude the test with several meters of elementary backstroke.
5.1. Dive from the edge or starting block with a somersault dive, and then immediately swim 10 meters of front crawl.
6.1. In the water, push off from the wall, and then immediately swim 10 meters of back crawl.
7.1. Dive from the edge with a jump of your choice, followed by 30 seconds of treading water using arms and legs. Afterward, continue with 30 seconds of treading water using only the legs, while keeping the arms passive (at the sides).
C diploma
• Swimwear
• Shirt, vest, or blouse with long sleeves
• Trousers (no tight-fitting pants)
• Socks and shoes
• Rain/wind jacket

1. Enter the water from the edge or a starting block with a forward roll (starting position free).
2. Tread water for 30 seconds using arms and legs, and float for 30 seconds in the HELP position while using a flotation aid (ball or kickboard).
3. Swim 50 meters breaststroke, interrupted by swimming under a raft once and climbing over a raft once.
4. Swim 50 meters elementary backstroke (arms may be used actively).
5. Independently climb out of the water and onto the pool deck (preferably not using the ladder).

2.1. Dive from the edge or starting block with a forward dive, immediately followed by underwater orientation (without surfacing) and underwater swimming through a hole in a vertically hanging sail located 9 meters from the starting edge. Upon resurfacing, proceed with 125 meters breaststroke, interrupted by performing 2 forward rolls and 2 head-first dives straight down toward the bottom, with legs stretched upward, until the legs are fully submerged. Finish the test with 100 meters elementary backstroke (arms passive).
3.1. Choose to dive from the edge or push off from the wall into the water, immediately followed by 10 seconds of floating on the chest, then swim a few meters of breaststroke, followed by 10 seconds of floating on the chest, and then continue with a few more meters of breaststroke.
4.1. Push off from the wall and float on the back for 10 seconds, then swim a few meters of elementary backstroke, followed by floating on the back for 20 seconds. After that, swim a few more meters of elementary backstroke, followed by 5 meters of sculling toward the head. Conclude the test with a few strokes of elementary backstroke.
5.1. Dive from the edge or starting block with a forward dive (a starting dive is preferred), and then immediately swim 15 meters of freestyle.
6.1. In the water, push off from the wall, and then immediately swim 15 meters of backstroke.
7.1. Dive from the edge with a squat dive, followed by 30 seconds of treading water while moving in multiple directions, using arms and legs, and then remain floating (vertically) for 30 seconds using only arms (legs passive).
Fun and safety come first!
First and foremost, we focus on making your child comfortable in the water through playful activities until your son or daughter feels relaxed and free from fear. Additionally, we gradually develop the four swimming strokes: elementary backstroke, breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl. We also dedicate a lot of attention to exercises in deeper water, such as entering the water, swimming underwater, climbing and clambering on a raft, diving to the bottom, and swimming with clothes on. Our approach involves teaching, practicing, and conditioning. This way, your child will embark on a journey to swimming proficiency with enjoyment and pleasure.
Every last class of the month, we organize clothing swimming following the guidelines. For the C diploma, this activity takes place weekly.
Private classes
Individual attention
Zwemclub ABC also offers private classes. This means we provide 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 classes, allowing for more individual attention.

The smaller the group, the more attention can be given, allowing prompt identification and correction of any incorrect movements. Incorrect movements have no chance to develop. The instructor can provide instructions from the water in a different way than from the poolside alone, helping build confidence and good stamina.

For private swimming classes, once your child has reached the final level, they will progress to selection and test swimming.
Zwemclub ABC. Voor het behalen van jouw ABC diploma
Zwemclub ABC Amstelveen
Zwemclub ABC. Voor het behalen van jouw ABC diploma
You're never too old to learn
You're never too old to learn, and that applies to swimming too. That's why Zwemclub ABC offers swimming classes for adults, young adults, or older children who may better fit into this group by age.

During these swimming classes, you (re)acquaint yourself with the water in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Under the guidance of our experienced and trained swimming instructors, you quickly learn the basics of independent swimming. We offer both beginner classes and follow-up classes to obtain Swimming Diplomas A, B, and C.

You can join the adult classes whether you've never learned to swim, want to regain confidence in the water, or wish to improve your swimming skills. Age is irrelevant; we believe that everyone should feel comfortable in the water.

Lesrooster locatie Amstelveen

15.30 - 16.15
16.15 - 17.00
17.00 - 17.45
17.45 - 18.30
18.30 - 19.15



13.45 - 14.30
14.30 - 15.15
15.15 - 16.00
16.00 - 16.45
16.45 - 17.30
17.30 - 18.15
18.15 - 19.00
15.30 - 16.15 
16.15 - 17.00 
17.00 - 17.45
17.45 - 18.30
18.30 - 19.15
19.15 - 20.00



08.15 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
09.45 - 10.30
10.30 - 11.15
11.15 - 12.00
12.00 - 12.45


12.45 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.15
14.15 - 15.00
15.00 - 15.45
15.45 - 16.30
16.30 - 17.15


08.15 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
09.45 - 10.30
10.30 - 11.15
11.15 - 12.00
12.00 - 12.45


12.45 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.15
14.15 - 15.00
15.00 - 15.45
15.45 - 16.30
16.30 - 17.15


Praktische informatie voor onze locatie Amstelveen
Opening hours
Opening hours

Why opt for Zwemclub ABC?

Small groups (max. 6-8 children)
45-minute class duration
Same swimming instructor
Persoonlijk volgsysteem (Easyswim)
Lots of water fun (playful methods)
Heated pool
Zwemclub ABC Amstelveen